Room 336 in the Peninsula Hotel Hong Kong and it's famous history, a new "old" Central Police Station emerges from the scaffolding and the stupid prices they charge for Jade in Hong Kong.
Meet Lois from Canada, a green artist
It was a privilege to meet Mike and the gang the other day, they arrived on the Azamara Journey a somewhat small but luxurious cruise ship and I spent the day showing them around Hong Kong.
Lois is a green artist from Canada and knows a bit about trees!
.. and to follow that tour with Margaret, Chris and the gang from Toronto was a real treat!
I love my job!
This is NOT a spooky story
I have read that the Surrender Ceremony between the British / Canadian Hong Kong Defense Force and the victorious Japanese invading army took place in room 336 of the Peninsula Hotel on Christmas Day 1941.
I recently paid a visit to the Hotel and was a tad disappointed to note that there is simply nothing to denote this significant piece of Hong Kong History.
The rooms have recently been upgraded which may explain this oversight... all I could think was the Hotel staff should really wipe away the smeared finger prints from above the door handle...
Oh my, this is the old 1919 built Central Police Station, the site has been under renovation for a while now and it is looking very nice, it will turn into some form of arts hub.
3 weeks ago, this very small Jade Buddha was 20% cheaper, it is now HK$1,388,900 or US$179,200! - for the life of me I cannot work out what has happened in the world that can make Chow Tai Fook think they can raise the price 20% - this price is simply stupid.
This is me getting creative, however I can safely say that this image will NOT win any prizes!
A fake Barbie at the Ladies Market in MongKok.
At least my flower shots are getting better.. this plant looks like it is straight out of a scene from Avatar.
I wear Geox shoes, they are the most comfortable walking shoes ever, however, I may change to Hogan, they look almost the same and they will help me re-discover my youth! they do look cool.
J3 Private Tours Hong Kong, Hong Kong Tour, Hong Kong Tours, Hong Kong Private Tour, Hong Kong Private Tours, Hong Kong Walking Tour, Hong Kong Walking Tours, Hong Kong Private Walking Tour, Hong Kong Private Walking Tours, Private Tour of Hong Kong, Private Tour Hong Kong, Private Tours Hong Kong.
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