The Policeman on his bizarre electric motorbike, Chungking Mansions - the dodgiest building in Hong Kong and the goose that used to lay the golden egg.
Chater Road in Central, a very busy road. The Japanese 7 seaters on the left are chauffeur driven 2nd cars of our rich folk and park illegally here every day. The truck and the 2 buses to the right collided and blocked traffic. The bus on the left could not pass because of the illegally parked cars. The chauffeurs refused to move their vehicles - it would appear they fear their rich bosses more than an angry mob of frustrated drivers. It took 10 minutes and Police intervention before the cars moved... only in Hong Kong
This is the new learner bike for Traffic Cops, it is electric and looks a little odd.. it is nowever a step up from what I call the noddy bikes that they have been using.
This chap was leaving Chungking Mansions which is perhaps Hong Kong's dodgiest building but it is however the best place in Hong Kong to change money.
An inglorious end for a noble bird - these used to be the geese that laid the golden eggs.
A professional beggar on the streets of Kowloon
I would love to spend a couple of hours in the truck sorting through all that treasure which is being guarded by those chaps with shotguns.
One of my favourite Porsche's - it is frequently parked at the Peninsula Hotel in Kowloon
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