Three dogs and a cat at Tai O Fishing Village, one of my favourite Tai O Fishing Village images and a Gap advert which made me look twice.
Meet my nemesis - the killer street trolleys of Hong Kong.
In 2013 I was hit on the left shin 3 times (always in the same place!) which has caused more than a few problems for me, consequently I have become somewhat wary of these "things"
Everywhere you go in Hong Kong you see them so here is just a small cross section of them so you know to avoid them! as you can see they come in all shapes and sizes and are used to transport all manner of things.. the trolleys are not the problem, the people pushing them are, invariably they push them on pavements with little regard for anyone in the way.
Wild dogs and cats are all over Tai O Fishing Village on Lantau Island - use caution, they will have yer leg off before you can blink....
This is one of my favourite images taken at the Tai O Fishing Village on Lantau Island.
Amazingly the lady on the left is Cindi Lauper the singer, who has been airbrushed to look 20 years old... this is a pretty cool Gap adver
Meet my other nemesis - chicken feet - uuuggggghhh!
Another gorgeous Hong Kong sunset
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