Chinese Opera on Cheung Chau, it is a real pity Costa Coffee is not in Hong Kong (yet) and the Mormons in Hong Kong
The Bounty - shiver me timbers....
This is The Bounty scudding around Hong Kong harbour on another grey, windy and humid day. My research seems to indicate that this was the actual ship used in the 1984 film The Bounty starring Mel Gibson (before he turned nutter) and is now owned by the Auberge Discovery Bay Hotel on Lantau... a lovely ship and all that's missing is Captain Jack Sparrow
Chinese Opera - not my cup of tea
I was lurking on Cheung Chau Island the day after the Cheung Chau bun festival and we came across this charming young lady doing her best to sound like a starving cat that has just inhaled a bowl of very hot chilli powder. I have to say it was truly, truly awful., but I do love the colours and costumes.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse
.... and then she was joined on stage by another lady who believe it or not sounded worse, so we legged it, it was excruciating and an affront to humanity and I must add that I feel the same listening to most music these days.
No matter, the locals in attendance (it was a free event) lapped it up (well it was free) .
All we need now is Costa Coffee
On Gloucester Road opposite the Immigration Department building is this rather odd sight of the 3 major coffee places here all in a row... I stop in every now and then at Pacific Coffee which is a local clone of Starbucks (Starbucks is better) but have never tried Caffe Habitu, I am seeing more of this chain opening up so it must be good...
I am not a coffee snob / junkie (I actually drink instant Nescafe coffee for breakfast) but I am getting a bit tired of Starbucks and often wonder why Costa Coffee from the UK doesn't make a move on the market here (or Tim Hortons from Canada) for that matter, there seems to be an insatiable demand here for coffee.
I always break out in a cold sweat passing this sign
The Mormon Church is in Hong Kong in a very big way and they have a facility just a block away from the coffee shops talked about above.
Enough already about the blooming duck
Whoever wrote this piece of nonsensical drivel is referring to the 35ft high inflatable rubber duck in our harbour (well actually not at this minute as it was deflated to make repairs and has yet to return) .. the only thing I would find amusing about this duck is watching it getting blown to smithereens with opera music blaring in the background.
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