The Real Hong Kong | Me, Jamie, 51 years living in Hong Kong - I know the culture
I am a friendly Yorkshireman, born in Middlesbrough, England, who has lived in Hong Kong for 51 years, raising 3 boys with his local wife and witnessing first hand the ongoing & difficult change from British Rule to Chinese Rule.
The Real Hong Kong
Hong Kong Culture 101
Truck Culture in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Truck Culture
Hong Kong Transport - Trucks
The drivers and their assistants who treat their workspace with little regard for appearances and productivity.
Look at the rubbish tip inside this Hino truck!
I am by nature a very orderly person, I cannot function when I am working unless everything is just so… drives people mad I know but it is the way I am and I scratch my head in wonderment at how truck drivers treat their workspace with no regard for appearances and productivity.
Have a look at the Hino truck above, it looks like the driver has been building a rubbish tip inside his cab for many years, it is to me a bloody health hazard and I know the nonsense that the driver will come out with, such as his ability to find what he needs in under 5 seconds or he has a system which works just fine for him - I do not believe that for a second.
If a cigarette was dropped in there, the truck would explode ( in my observations, most truck drivers always have a cigarette dangling from the corner of their mouth )
I really have no idea how the driver can function with all the crap piled up in front of him.
By way of contrast, the Volvo truck below shows exactly how a truck workspace should be utilised with just the essentials ( work order, manual, hard hat ) within reach… 10 out of 10 for this guy and I bet all the trucks owned by this company are exactly the same.
I have been in business in Hong Kong a long time and appearance does matter and I am not impressed with employees or owner operators who treat their truck cabs like a rubbish dump!
Look how clean, tidy and orderly the inside of this Volvo truck is and yes, a cigarette is dangling from the drivers fingers!
Hong Kong Streets - People, Street Scenes, Traffic Scenes, Buildings + Daily Life, all Districts, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Truck Culture, Truck Culture in Hong Kong
Hino Trucks in Hong Kong, Volvo Trucks in Hong Kong