Hong Kong Tours | A FedEx plane flying out of Hong Kong Airspace

A beautiful orange Lamborghini and red Ferrari at the Kowloon Shangri - La Hotel, another Peak Sunset and see more Hong Kong images at my Flickr site


Point and shoot, no retouching

Point and shoot, no retouching

My Olympus XZ - 1 is serving me well whilst I save for my professional camera... on this image I could only manage about a 20% enlargement before I pressed the button, I was amazed later at the blue sky, not a cloud in sight! pity blue skies like this are rare. Anyway I was pretty chuffed with this one, maybe I should sell it to FedEx! 

What a mean machine, check out the exhaust pipe! 

What a mean machine, check out the exhaust pipe! 

Not a bad number plate either! 

Not a bad number plate either! 

Holy smoke! 

Holy smoke! 

If you like fancy cars and want that ethereal experience then go to fancy hotels, they are always good for a supercar or two... it was hard to choose but the orange Lamborghini gets my vote. 

With my camera this is as good as it gets

With my camera this is as good as it gets

A cool sunset from my spot at the Peak, my Olympus has limitations, it is supposed to be very good in low light but I can NEVER get great sunset / dusk / night shots. 

remember Flickr? 

remember Flickr? 

I was NEVER a fan of Flickr, it was clunky and as I recall unless you paid, you were restricted to uploading around 200 images so I never bothered with it... 

A few weeks ago I got an email from them advising of changes and boy what a change, you now have 1TB of space free which is amazing and the whole uploading experience is so simple an amoeba could do it.. so I have spent some time on my site and I will upload daily including stuff that never makes it on my blog.. if you go to my Flickr site you will get an in your face pictorial of this wonderful city - Hong Kong

Lai King MTR Station

Lai King MTR Station

2 down a gazillion to go in my series of MTR Station names

Part of a painting in the Kowloon Shangri - La Hotel lobby

Part of a painting in the Kowloon Shangri - La Hotel lobby

We have 2 Shangri - La Hotels in Hong Kong and both are noted for their lobby paintings.. I do love this one.. 

More Chinese ornate art

More Chinese ornate art

This wonderfully ornate piece of art is on a wall of a building at the 10,000 Buddha Monastery in Shatin


J3 Private Tours Hong Kong, Hong Kong Tour, Hong Kong Tours, Hong Kong Private Tour, Hong Kong Private Tours, Hong Kong Walking Tour, Hong Kong Walking Tours, Hong Kong Private Walking Tour, Hong Kong Private Walking Tours, Private Tour of Hong Kong, Private Tour Hong Kong, Private Tours Hong Kong.

Posted on July 4, 2013 .