Russell Street in Causeway Bay - way more expensive than 5th Avenue in New York, St. Andrews Church in TST, Kowloon and the huge apartment blocks in Tung Chung
This was the standard "look" for Police Stations here in the 1960's etc
My, what an interesting Police Station, this is Yaumatei Police Station and it really is a throwback to colonial times.. I thought adding a sepia tone was a nice touch!
This very short, grubby street in Causeway Bay has the highest retail rentals in the world.
Russell Street = US$4,328 per sq ft per annum vs 5th Avenue = US$2,970 per sq ft per annum
Russell Street in Causeway Bay has the somewhat dubious honour of having the highest retail rentals in the world today and yet when you visit the only question is why? there are about 24 shops on the street, it is grubby / seedy / dirty but the sky high rentals are down to one thing and one thing only, Mainland Chinese Tourists.
They come to Causeway Bay and are drawn to Times Square like flies to s.... Times Square? frankly I cannot see the attraction, yes it is a decent shopping mall but nothing special but the crowds are there 12 hours a day and so Burberry pays US$1 million a month for their 5,200 sq ft boutique. Crazy
... and the worst thing, half of the shops are high end jewellery and watch shops.
St. Andrews Church, TST
This is quite a lovely Anglican Church in TST, Kowloon just over the road from Park Lane Boulevard on Nathan Road.
The neatly aligned massive apartment blocks in Tung Chung
For a lot of new arrivals to Hong Kong, this is one of the first sights they see when leaving the airport. These apartment blocks are odd, they are huge and have a lovely mountain setting which for many people does not compute, one expects houses in the countryside not these.
Back view of a Hummer
Side view of a Hummer
Front view of a Hummer
So I am guessing that the initials and numbers refer to the owner... I rather like the Hummer, it has presence and is sufficiently large make other cars move out of the way, the white colour is perfect.
A wedding supply shop in Yaumatei
I am trying but honestly I have nothing positive to say about this wedding supply shop, tacky does not quite do it justice.
One of my favourite MTR stations
Jordan - home to:-
The Yue Hwa Emporium, The Temple Street Night Market, a pretty decent Shanghai Dumpling Restaurant, neon lights, a huge red light district and a Chow Tai Fook jewellery store on every corner.
We have an army of street cleaners
The lady in blue is Nepalese, a lot of Nepalese people are employed by the contractors who are employed by our Government to keep the streets clean.
Naturally they are on minimum wage which is US$3.50 per hour and naturally their jobs are at risk because the privately owned contractors object to this minimum wage being set so high. (...and yes, I am being ironic)
I think this army of street cleaners we have deserves our respect and gratitude as without them our streets would be a health hazard
You can get some great shots riding the trams
I like riding the trams on Hong Kong Island, you can get some great people shots, just be careful about sticking your head out of the window, you might lose it.
I Square in TST, Kowloon
I quite like I Square shopping mall in TST, Kowloon - it is different enough to be interesting and it does have a Marks & Spencer and an HMV Store. Huzzah!
Mind you they could have come up with a more interesting name
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